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Health professionals

NICE launches review of methods and processes for health technology evaluation

Stakeholders can comment until 13 October on the most wide-ranging and comprehensive review NICE has ever carried out. The public consultations cover proposed changes to the way NICE develops recommendations across its health technology evaluation programmes and proposals to clarify the topic selection and routing criteria used to determine what treatments, devices or diagnostics are selected for NICE guidance development.


HEART UK partners with Loch Duart

Loch Duart is a small independent farm who have been gently nurturing their Scottish salmon in the crystal-clear waters off the northwest coast of Scotland for over 20 years. Their aim is to produce the best quality salmon with the lowest impact on the environment.

By entering the partnership with HEART UK, Loch Duart aims to raise awareness of the benefits of eating their salmon as part of a balanced diet which can help contribute to the normal function of the heart.

* Loch Duart salmon is high in omega-3 fats (EPA and DHA). EPA and DHA contribute to the normal function of the heart.


Issues & Answers Live- Long COVID

We’re with you every step of the journey!

Join us for a unique, expert-led series of interactive broadcasts providing practical advice and guidance for the whole primary care team confronted with the challenges of caring for patients suffering from Long Covid.

Registration is completely FREE and CPD points are awarded for attendance. Also recorded for on-demand viewing. 

This event is intended for healthcare professionals from the UK and receives sponsorship from pharmaceutical companies

Health professionals

The Essential Cholesterol Programme for Primary Care

Join an afternoon session on an introduction to the basics of cholesterol at the HEART UK conference on 20 July

Understanding cholesterol results 
Spotlight on diet and its impact on cholesterol
The impact of diet on cholesterol 
Diet and cholesterol: from science to practice
Diabetes and cholesterol: exploring dietary factors.

This event is intended for healthcare professionals from the UK and receives sponsorship from pharmaceutical companies

Find out more on the HEART UK conference pages. The Health Professional area of the website is intended only for healthcare professionals.

Health professionals

Add on to take back control. Do we have the solutions to the gaps in our lipid treatment pathway?

Dr Derek Connolly, Consultant Interventional Cardiologist and the Director of Research and Development at Birmingham City Hospital will chair a session exploring solutions to the gaps in lipid treatment with speaker Dr Susan Connolly, Consultant Cardiologist at Enniskillen.

Find out more on the HEART UK conference programme of the HCP pages. The Health Professional area of the website is intended only for healthcare professionals.

This event is intended for healthcare professionals from the UK and receives sponsorship from pharmaceutical companies