Ideas on getting active
Make a pledge to get active and see great benefits to your health and wellbeing during and beyond Heart Month. Use our exercise videos.
Pledge to live a healthier lifestyle this Heart Month.
Walk more, start a new exercise like running, and eat more healthily - it will make a real difference!
Make a pledge with members of your team, and raise funds for HEART UK.
This Heart Month, we invite your company to get involved and encourage your staff to make a pledge. Making some simple changes to your lifestyle will help your to manage your cholesterol levels and reduce the risk of heart and circulatory diseases.
We'd love as many people as possible to join in our Challenge 46 to raise money for people with high cholesterol. We've developed this virtual challenge as it can be adapted to whatever you want to do: run, walk, swim, cycle, etc.
Why 46? It's because 460 people die every day in the UK from heart and circulatory disease and high cholesterol is the leading cause.
5 more ideas to get your organisation involved:
1. Wear it red - organise a specific work day for everyone to wear something red and make donations to HEART UK.
2. Host a Healthier Bake Sale - who doesn't love a bake sale and even better when using healthier options! Take a look at our healthy recipes
3. Host a Quiz - raise funds and brush up on your general knowledge. We even have a quiz you can use if you sign up for a fundraising pack.
4. Organise a raffle - source a few great prizes, sell tickets to your colleagues and donate the funds to HEART UK.
5. Do a food and drink swap - swap your café bought beverage for a coffee at home or in the office. Or, make your own packed lunch for a month. Bank the funds you save and donate them to HEART UK.
1. Sign up here and we will email you our Heart Month Fundraising Pack for use at your place of work.
2. Set up a JustGiving page, set a fundraising target and get sponsored to fulfil your pledge.
3. Add your pledge to our Heart Month Pledge Wall or use post it notes to create an office pledge wall.
4. Share your journey with us on social media with the hashtag #heartmonth
5. Have fun and live a healthier lifestyle!