Did you know that certain foods, when eaten in specific quantities, can give your Cholesterol Smart plan a real boost and help lower your cholesterol further? Research shows that four foods, in particular, can make a big difference when included as part of a healthy eating plan.
The four cholesterol-busters are oats and barley, nuts including peanuts, beans and pulses, and foods fortified with plant sterols or stanols.
You may have already come across most of these foods in Step 4 of the Eat Smart plan. But this step takes them to the next level by encouraging you to eat them regularly and in specific amounts to optimise their cholesterol-lowering benefits.
Each of these four foods lowers cholesterol in a different way, and their effects add up – the more of them you include, the bigger the impact. They’re not a replacement for healthy eating but a powerful addition to support your heart health.
It’s up to you to decide which food you’d like to try first. Whichever you choose, it will help lower your cholesterol further. And remember, adding more of these foods over time will have an even greater impact, helping you keep your heart in great shape.