Fun fundraising ideas to get you inspired!
Get together with friends, family or people at work, have fun and raise vital money to save lives and keep families together for longer.
We've got lots of ideas and tips below on successful ways to raise money to help.
Come Dine with Me
Invite your friends round for a low cholesterol meal and charge each person £20 for the privilege.
Put on a film night
Hire a hall or speak to your local cinema. Get sponsored to come dressed in pyjamas!
Host a Hearty Tea party!
Or simply make hearty cakes and sell them – see our range of heart healthy bakes and snacks. - Why not talk to a local restaurant and see whether they will put on a special fundraising meal as part of National Cholesterol Month?
Hold a wine tasting evening
Spend an evening tasting fine wines. Ask friends and family to pay an entry fee, provide wine, cheese and French bread free of charge. Try and get the wine donated. -
Why not arrange a Quiz night in your local hall
Run a raffle too. We have a quiz you could use - email fundraising to get a copy of this. -
Treat your heart with a sponsored slim
Set yourself a goal and get your friends to sponsor you – the pounds will soon drop off and the £1’s mount up! -
Arrange a car washing day with your place of work
It’s a fun way to raise funds and great exercise too! -
Guess the baby
Ask for baby photos and get your friends to guess who they are. Pay to enter. -
Organise a bingo event – devise your own calls for the numbers. Charge a fee per game.
Once you've decided on what you're going to do, open a JustGiving page and send the link to all your family and friends to get fundraising. For a sponsorship form and information on further fundraising ideas or to request a fundraising pack please email [email protected].