What is FH?
Find out about how FH raises your cholesterol and how it’s passed down through families.
Getting a diagnosis of FH means you can get treatment and make healthy lifestyle changes to lower your cholesterol and help prevent heart disease.
It also means that members of your family can get tested and start treatment if they need it.
If you have children, they should get tested too so that they can start treatment early, before problems have time to develop.
If you or your doctor think you might have FH, there are a number of tests they can do to get a better idea of what’s going on. Your doctor will:
FH is passed from parent to child in the genes and it’s usually possible to trace it back through several generations.
Talk to your GP about illnesses in your family to see if your high cholesterol could be due to FH. If you go to a lipid clinic, you can also help your specialist draw a family tree (known as a pedigree). As well as helping to find out if you have FH, a family tree helps to show if anyone else in your family might have it.
It’s possible to have two altered genes rather than one – if you have two parents with FH and you inherit the altered gene from both. This is called compound heterozygous or homozygous FH. It's very rare.
If your doctor thinks you have FH, you have probably already had a cholesterol test. You might have your cholesterol tested again, this time to look at all the different types of fats, known as lipids, in your blood. This is called a lipid profile or a full fasting lipid profile.
Your doctor may also arrange for your blood to be tested for other things, such as blood sugar to check for diabetes, and signs of how well your liver and kidneys are working.
There are a few physical signs and symptoms your doctor will look for. They are easy to miss, so you could have them and not notice.
If you don’t have these signs and symptoms, it’s still possible you have FH as not everyone with FH has them.
Once your doctor has worked through these questions and tests, they can make a clinical diagnosis using guidelines called the Simon Broome criteria or the Dutch Lipid Clinical Network criteria.
Your doctor should then refer you to a specialist in a lipid clinic for tests and treatment and to confirm the diagnosis. These are centres run by specialists in blood fats and diseases of the heart and blood vessels.
You should be offered genetic testing if there is a very strong likelihood that you have FH. This is a specialist test to look for a change or alteration in your genes that is causing your high cholesterol.
There are different types of FH, as FH can be caused by alterations in different genes. Genetic testing means your doctor can find out if you definitely have FH and which type you have, as the tests can find the specific gene involved.